Quote Management

The Quotes API in our B2B Commerce platform streamlines the creation, negotiation, and management of sales quotes for business clients. It supports complex pricing structures and bulk ordering capabilities, enabling businesses to efficiently manage quote lifecycles and convert opportunities into sales with precision and ease.

Request for Quote (RFQ)

Create RFQ

The users can request for a quote on the website by selecting the items, providing the expected price and the units they want.

The following API operations are used for creating a RFQ status from the website.

Create RFQ/api/v2/commerce/b2b/rfqIt allows the users to create a new RFQ

Get All RFQs

The following API operations are used for getting the list of all the RFQs respective to the company & user depending upon their role.

Get All RFQs/api/v2/commerce/b2b/rfq/searchGet the list of the all the RFQs along with their status and if a quote has been generated against them or not.

Get RFQ Detail

The following API operations are used for updating the RFQ status from the website

Get RFQ Detail/api/v2/commerce/b2b/rfq/${id}Get the RFQ details


Get All Quotes

The following API operations are used for getting the list of all the quotes

Get all the Quotes/api/v2/commerce/b2b/${userId}/quotesGets the list of all the quotes created for the company

Save Quote

The following API operations are used for updating the quote details on the website by the users. They can add/update items, add shipping / billing address and convert the quote to an order as well.

Update the Quote/api/v2/commerce/b2b/quote/saveUpdate the quote details & items

Get Quote Detail

The following API operations are used for get Quote details

Get Quote Detail/api/v2/commerce/basket/{quoteId}Get the all details related to quote using quoteId to pass in API endpoint.