
The checkout page is the final page where user can confirm and complete online purchase on our website. The checkout page has the following sections and features:

  • Shopping Cart Summary
  • Shipping and Billing Address Forms
  • Payment Methods and Options
  • Order Review and Summary
  • Place Order Button

Shopping cart summary

This section shows the items that user added to shopping cart, along with their prices, quantities, and sizes. user can edit or remove any item from shopping cart by clicking on the buttons below each item. user can also continue shopping by clicking on the "Back to basket" button at the top left corner of the page.

Shopping cart summary

Shipping and billing address forms

These forms allow user to enter shipping and billing information, such as name, address, phuser number, and email. user can choose to use the same address for both shipping and billing, or enter different addresses for each. user can also save address information for future purchases by checking the box below each form.

Shipping and billing address

Payment methods and options

This section allows user to choose preferred payment method and option, such as credit card, debit card, cash on delivery, UPI/QR code scan, PayPal, or Stripe. user can enter payment details, such as card number, expiry date, and CVV, or scan the QR code . User can also save payment information for future purchases by checking the box below each option.

Payment methods

Order review and summary

This section allows user to review order before placing it. User can see the details of order, such as the items, the prices, the discounts, the shipping fees, and the total amount. User can also apply a discount code or a gift card by entering it in the input field below the order summary. User can also select shipping option and fee by clicking on the dropdown menu below the order summary.

Order review

Discount code or gift card input

The discount code or gift card input feature allows User to apply a discount code or a gift card to order. Enter discount code or gift card in the input field below the order summary and click on the "Apply" button.

Discount code or gift card input

Shipping options and fees

The shipping options and fees feature allows user to choose the best delivery method for order, depending on location, budget, and urgency. Look at the dropdown menu below the order summary in the order review and summary section.User will see the available shipping options and fees, such as standard, express, or free shipping. The shipping option and fee that choose will also affect the estimated delivery date of order, which user can see below the place order button.

Shipping options and fees

Order total and subtotal

The order total and subtotal feature allows to see the final cost of order, including any additional fees or discounts applied. Here user will see the breakdown of order cost, such as the item total, the shipping fee, the discount or gift card amount, and the total amount.

Order total and subtotal

Place order button

This button allows user to confirm and place order.User can click on this button after user have reviewed order and entered shipping, billing, and payment information. User will be directed to a confirmation page where user can see order number and tracking information.

Place order button