B2B Commerce

Buying List

All List

The Buying List features Title, List of Baskets, and prominent Call-to-action Buttons. Each list user engagement, guiding visitors to explore further.

Buying List

Create Basket

Create Basket highlights option to enter Basket name and proceed with Call-to-action Button and then you can add as many line items.

Featured products or categories

Transfer Basket

To transfer a basket, first select the basket you wish to transfer from a list of available options. Next, choose the user to whom the basket will be transferred. Once both the basket and the user are selected, proceed by clicking the Call-to-action Button to complete the transfer process.

Bestsellers or trending items

Create RFQ

To create an RFQ, start by selecting any basket you'd like to use for the RFQ. Then, fill out all the required information in the provided form. Once all the details are completed, submit the request to finalize the RFQ creation process.

Bestsellers or trending items

Request For Quote

RFQ List

Showing All the requested RFQs with RFQ Number, Status, Created Date and option to view details.

Testimonials or reviews

RFQ Detail

The Request for Quote (RFQ) detail page displays key information such as the current status of the RFQ, a list of line items included, and the company details. Additionally, there is an option to cancel the RFQ if needed.

Testimonials or reviews


Quote List

Showing All the Quotes with Quote Number, Quote Name, Status, Validity Date and option to view details.

Quote List

Quote Detail

The Quote Detail page provides a comprehensive view of all line items, along with a quote summary showing the total price. It also displays the billing and shipping addresses. Additionally, there are options to update the quantity of each line item or delete them from the quote if necessary.

Quote Detail


The Invoice List displays a summary of all invoices, including the invoice date, status, and the amount paid. Each invoice also has an option to download for easy access and record-keeping.

Invoice List

Data Pack

The Data Pack displays a summary of all data packs, including the generated date, product pack and images pack. Each data pack also has an option to download for easy access and record-keeping.

Data Pack List


The Return page shows details of past returns, including the return status, a list of returned items, the amount to be refunded, and additional return information for each transaction.


My Company

Company Details & Credit Information

The Company page displays comprehensive information about the company, including company info, credit history of users, current balance, and the total credit limit.

Company Detail

Company Users

The Users section display all the linked users list and information for company users.

Company Users

Company Address

The Address section display all the Addresses list of the company.

Company Address