My Account

My Account is a section where users can access and manage their personal information, orders, preferences, payment methods, and other account-related settings and activities.

User login and registration options

User login and registration options offer straightforward access to account functionalities. Users can log in using their credentials or register for a new account. Social login integration is available for registration. Additionally, a "Forgot Password" link is provided for account recovery.

User login and registration

User profile information

The user profile information includes active tabs for easy navigation. My details with a short description, with User Details, and a Save button for updating information. This layout facilitates efficient access and management of user-related data.

User profile

Order history and tracking

The order history and tracking section features navigation block. Order displays its unique order number and the number of items included. Additionally, users can track the status of their orders, along with the expected delivery date, providing valuable insights into their purchase journey.

Order history and tracking

Wishlist management

The wishlist section comprises a navigation block featuring an active tab , alongside a collection of wishlist cards. These cards display essential product information and provide users with the ability to add or remove items from their wishlist.

Wishlist management

Address book for shipping and billing

The address book section features saved address cards with options to edit or delete them. Users can easily manage their addresses through intuitive buttons associated with each card. Additionally, a prominent "Add New Address" button allows users to seamlessly input new address details.

Address book

Account settings and preferences

Users can choose their preferences from available options and save them for future reference. This feature streamlines the process of managing communication settings, ensuring that users receive relevant updates and information according to their preferences.

Account settings and preferences

Logout option

Inside the profile dropdown, users can find a logout option. This allows them to securely sign out of their account whenever needed, providing a seamless and convenient way to manage their session.

Logout option