Product Listing Pages (PLP)

The Platform supports multiple kinds of PLPs (product list pages) and these are detailed below to be used for specific use cases. On this page, we'll dive into how you can utilize these different PLP pages for different use cases.

Product Collection Pages

Product collections can be used to create product list or landing pages with the desired set of products using collection filters.

Business Users - Feature Description

Reference articles how the functionality works:

  1. Product Collection
  2. Product Collection Landing Page

Developers - API Operations

The following API operations are used in the product collection pages

Fetch list of all product collections/api/v2/catalog/collection/allList of all the product collections
Fetch product collection details by slug/api/v2/catalog/collection/slug?slug=coats-and-jacketsDetails of product collection including - carousel images, custom info fields, list of products, content snippets, meta info
Fetch Product collection details by Id/api/v2/catalog/collection/id/:idsame as above
Fetch Product collection by Slug - Minimal/api/v2/catalog/collection/slug-minimal?slug=coats-and-jacketsSame as above. Except the product object returned does contains extra properties attributes, variantProductsMinimal, variantProductsAttributeMinimal

Demo Store - working example

The following demo store links provide reference to how this functionality works on a store.

  1. List of Product Collections
  2. Product Collection

Category Landing Pages

Categories enable the organization and grouping of products based on their functional utility. Proper categorization enables faster product discovery for the customer of the site(s) and makes their navigation experience smoother. The platform supports ability to setup a product within multiple categories as well. In that case, the product will show up under both categories.

Business Users - Feature Description

Reference articles how the functionality works:

  1. Category Details
  2. Category Landing Page

Developers - API Operations

The following API operations are used in the product collection pages

Fetch list of All Categories/api/v2/catalog/categoryList of categories including their nested subcategories in a tree json format
Fetch the Category Details by slug/api/v2/catalog/category/slug?slug=category/matching-setsDetails of Category including:
  • carousel images
  • linkGroups – any specific nav links
  • sub-categories
  • content snippets
  • meta info
Fetch the list of products in the category/api/v2/catalog/search/advancedGet the list of products in the category

Demo Store - working example

The following demo store links provide reference to how this functionality works on a store.

  1. All Categories
  2. Category Detail
  3. Sub-category Detail

Brand Landing Page

The platform not just supports multi-brand capability but also provides ability to maintain a hierarchy of brands and sub-brands within the brands. The sub-brands or range are just smaller grouping of products within specific brands – it may or may not be relevant for every brand or business.

Business Users - Feature Description

Reference articles how the functionality works:

  1. Brand Details
  2. Brand Landing Page

Developers - API Operations

The following API operations are used in the product collection pages

Fetch the list of All Brands/api/v2/catalog/brand/allList of brands without the sub-brands
Fetch the Brand Details by slug/api/v2/catalog/brand/slug?slug=brands/kallemo-9693Details of Brand including:
  • List of sub-brands
  • carousel images
  • List of widgets to be displayed on Brand Landing page (only on main brands and not sub-brands)
  • content snippets
  • meta info
Fetch the Brand Details by id/api/v2/catalog/brand/id/:idSame as above

Demo Store - working example

The following demo store links provide reference to how this functionality works on a store.

  1. All Brands
  2. Brand Detail


A lookbook is a collection of products to show off model, style, clothing line, furniture products setup in a specific setting, etc. this gives the viewers the idea on what products go well together and which ones to buy together. From site perspective, the user can potentially buy all the products in one click instead of doing add to bag for 5-7 products separately.

Business Users - Feature Description

Reference articles how the functionality works: Lookbooks

Developers - API Operations

The following API operations are used in the product collection pages

Fetch the list of All Lookbooks/api/v2/catalog/lookbookList of all the lookbooks
Fetch the list of Lookbooks by group name/api/v2/catalog/lookbook/:groupNameGroup name is just another way of logically grouping the lookbooks. For eg. Winter lookbook, Autumn lookbook, etc. List of lookbooks same as All Lookbooks response.
Fetch the Lookbook Detail by slug/api/v2/catalog/lookbook/slug?slug={{lookbook/my-ideal-home}}Lookbook detail including:
  • Basic Details
  • Custom Info Fields
  • All 5 images along with additional tagging info (if done)
  • List of products in the lookbook
  • meta info

Demo Store

The following demo store links provide reference to how this functionality works on a store.

  1. List of Lookbooks
  2. Lookbook Detail